Let someone who can help know if you think something’s up, and get the relief you deserve ASAP. .numbers of objects and polygons, all without putting a strain on computer resources.

And don’t forget: lice and super lice are both totally normal and totally common.

If your area is not affected by super lice, you can use an OTC product to get rid of the lice. If the lice is a resistant strain, your doctor may prescribe a prescription drug or an alternative remedy. shared the news of the so-called 'super-strain' of lice this week at the American Chemical Societys annual meeting. If you’ve had an over-the-counter treatment, remember to double check with a doctor or your school nurse, since super lice’s only difference from the original is resistance to our existing treatments. If your child gets lice, you should call your doctor to find out if the type of lice is regular lice or super lice. The symptoms of head lice include the feeling of something moving in the hair, an itchy scalp, irritability, and difficulty sleeping. WASHINGTON Researchers say a strain of mutated head lice is on the move around the country and has already arrived in Maryland and Virginia. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends not sharing hats, combs, or other items that come in contact with your hair, and checking for lice if there’s an outbreak at your school, even if you’re missing out on symptoms. With the occurrence of this new strain of SUPER lice, it has allowed an epidemic to emerge as over-the-counter products that once worked to kill lice now are. Scientists report that lice in at least 25 American states have developed resistance to over-the-counter treatments still widely recommended by doctors and schools. SUPER lice are a new strain of head lice that have genetically mutated to form a resistance to lice-killing chemicals that until recently were able to kill lice and nits (lice eggs). Ayers suggests using natural scents like peppermint, tea tree oil, and rosemary in your hair care routine, which lice somehow do not like (one more reason to get rid of them). Super head lice warning as scientists discover almost all species are resistant to treatments.