Pymol tutorial x answers
Pymol tutorial x answers

pymol tutorial x answers

1: The opening page of the ProteinĝataBank. In the top right corner of the page you can choose to see the sequence in FASTA format (small orangeĬopy the sequence and go to the Protein Data Bank (PDB) at The first is Ser26, the two others are _ and _.ĭ) The protein is post-translationally modified, having two sites of N-glycosylation at _ and _. Write down the following information:Ī) The signal peptide is from residue number _ to _.ī) The mature protein is from residue number to, which means that the protein is _ residues long.Ĭ) The active site is made up of three residues. If you scroll down to the “Features” you can learn aįew things about the protein. YouĬlick on the Swiss-Prot entry (RHA1_ASPAC). [ Enter the name of the protein: rhamnogalacturonan acetylesterase in the search field and click Go. It is one of several enzymes used by the fungus to degrade the plant cell wall when “attacking” aįirst, we will find the sequence of the protein, and then use the sequence to search the PDB. You will work with the protein Rhamnogalacturonan acetylesterase (RGAE) from the fungus AspergillusĪculeatus. Visualize a protein structure and highlight features of interest.Critically choose the best structure, when more than one is available.Search the Protein Structure Databank for information.

pymol tutorial x answers

3.1 Making pretty pictures (an example)īy Paolo Marcatili, Anne Mølgaard and Thomas HolbergBlicher.

Pymol tutorial x answers