Emulate Subwoofer - for loudspeakers without a subwoofer but with reasonable amount of low frequencies.Underground - for listening in noisy places, when natural lows block music lows (subway, loud places etc.).Darken - for loudspeakers and headphones that emphasize cymbals and guitar too much.

Small Headphones - designed for earbuds which usually sound too harsh and lack bass range.Drive - make it more aggressive and crystallized, try this on rock and funk.Soften - brings down frequencies that ears are most sensitive to, making listening experience less tiring.Smile Curve - enhances the overall sound quality, especially helpful when listening through low-to-mid-cost loudspeakers or headphones.Kick - picks up the kick drum or other similar instruments from the mix, especially effective on rock/pop music.AGE and its variants has been widely used for speech enhancement applications. Less Cymbals - makes cymbals and other highest-frequency sounds bit quieter, without lowering the overall volume Adaptive gain equalizer (AGE) is a commonly used single-channel speech enhancement algorithm.Voice Lift - improves the clarity of vocals, makes voice frequencies appear closer to the listener.More Low Mid - amplifies the body of the sound when listening to rock music.More Highs - gently highlights hi-end (crispness) of music (cymbals, overtones in all instruments, presence).More Bass - slightly brings up low end and bass frequencies.You can use the equalizer as a creative tool in a party/DJ situations.

When you are listening to it loud, you will probably benefit from reducing the hi-mid region as most sensitive. If you listen at a low volume, you might want to raise low and high frequencies.